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Ampasindava Rare Earths Project
Defined Mineral Resources
Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO)
Project Overview
Harena Resources is developing the 75% owned Ampasindava Ionic Clay rare earths deposit in Madagascar. The Ampasindava project is advanced and contains a defined mineral resource of 628 million tonnes at 895 ppm Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO).
The majority of the project area is low lying with elevations ranging from sea-level to 713 m with the highest elevations found in the northwest of the project area. The most characteristic physiographical feature in the project area is a 6 km wide, circular caldera which corresponds to the southeast part of the Ambohimirahavavy igneous complex.
The Madagascar Opportunity
The project concession is located in the eastern part of the Ampasindava Peninsula, Antsiranana Province on the northwest coast of Madagascar, approximately 500 km north of Madagascar’s capital city Antananarivo.
The project is located close to significant enabling infrastructure such as semi-industrial ports, an international airport at Nosy-Be Island and the large regional town of Ambanja.
Project Highlights
The Ambohimirahavavy igneous complex (Ampasibitika intrusion) in Madagascar hosts an exceptional rare-earth element (REE) bearing ion-adsorption clay (IAC) resource.
The ion-adsorption clays consist of aluminosilicate clay minerals (e.g. kaolinite, illite, smectite) formed through in-situ lateritic weathering of REE-rich host rocks. The Ambohimirahavavy ores are enriched with the Magnet Rare Earths, neodymium (Nd) and praseodymium (Pr) or together NdPr and dysprosium (Dy) and terbium (Tb) or together DyTb. These natural magnet rare earth minerals, NdPr and DyTb are highly sought after for use in high specification magnets used in wind turbines, electric vehicles and other more specialised applications for military components.
Harena Resources, through a subsidiary Malagasy Company, Reenova Rare Earths Malagasy, holds the exploration licences grant PR 6698 in the province of Antsiranana, Madagascar. SGS Canada Inc. – Geostat Office (hereafter “SGS Geostat”) completed a resource estimate technical report for the PR 6698 licenses (“The Project”).
The AMPASINDAVA property was first recognized for hosting mineralized dykes hosting high grade Rare Earth Elements (REE) in fresh rock. REE hosted within the regolith (or soil profile) was recognized in 2012; and it has become clear that this “ionic clay” style of mineralization has the most significant economic potential. The ionic clays are the most important mineralization type due to the relatively simple process required to put the REE into solution and the fact that neither Thorium nor Uranium is concentrated through this process; this is in stark contrast to most REE deposits being developed or promoted in the western world.
More than 10 years of data has been collected by excavating shafts by hand and sampled along the depth. A total of 4474 test pits have been completed with an average depth of 5.8m with a maximum depth of 10m. The sampling methodology was validated in the field by SGS Geostat and this has produced reliable data that has been integrated into the following resource estimation. A total of 4412 pits were retained for the resource estimation along with 359 drill holes.
The updated resources estimation was constructed solely from the laterite and saprolite layers within the TRE property. REE grades were interpolated separately by ordinary kriging and blocks were cutoff based on their conceptual amenability to in-situ leaching or tank leaching.
The base case resource with tonnage and grade is presented in the Table below.
The Ampasindava Project has a NI 43-101 Report published for the Resource.
Some 5 stages of metallurgical testwork have been completed and a relatively simple, environmentally responsible heap leach process has resulted in highly acceptable mineral product yields into the leachate material.
The Project will now move to a Proof of Concept phase at the site while further design related study work will continue in order to finalise potential project economic and technical viability.
Delivering value for our investors
Harena Resources is focused on advancing the development of our flagship Ampasindava Rare Earths Ionic Clay Project.